CSCI strengthens 23 women's CSOs on gender mainstreaming advocacy and inclusion


In order to further involve women's organizations in the process of promoting women's rights and inclusion in the fight against the effects of climate change, CSCI organized a training workshop for them from 21 to 22 July 2022 in Abidjan.

This activity takes place as part of the implementation of the Benkadi Project. Six baseline studies were conducted, including those on gender and social inclusion in coastal erosion management and protected area conservation.

These studies show that gender issues are all the more worrisome as they arise in coastal erosion management and protected area conservation. Indeed, women and youth are not brought to the forefront and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable group.

Moreover, climate change has specific implications for women and men because of their different roles in society and their different access to social, economic and material resources.

Thus, there are three major challenges:

  • Achieve gender equality by addressing the gap between legal rights and sociocultural norms;
  • The involvement and inclusion of women, youth and people with disabilities in climate change decision-making;
  • The involvement of women, youth and people with disabilities in the management of coastal erosion and the preservation of protected areas.


Together for inclusive climate management!

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